Lawn Striping - Lawnspiration

Feeling fancy? Try lawn striping!

The stripe effect is achieved by pushing the blades of the grass in opposing directions so that they pick up the light differently. Grass bent towards you looks darker while grass bent away looks lighter.

You can do this with a cylinder mower which will give you the best finish.  An easy way to stripe your lawn is to mow a straight line down the edge of your yard. When you get to the end, lift the mower as you turn and then mow in the opposite direction. For a checkerboard look, mow lines across your yard at 90 degrees to your first mow.

All warm season lawn varieties can be mowed using a cylindrical mower. Zoysia, Couch, Queensland Blue, Buffalo, and Kikuyu will all mow well with a cylindrical mower. If you plan to give lawn striping a go, remember that cylinder mowers don’t work as well on sandy soils, long grass or uneven, weedy grass.

VIDEO: How to mow like a pro

Read more: Mowing made easy

Read more: How to make your lawn the best in the street